Thursday, May 10, 2018

How to Optimize Video Content for SEO

Video content has become an important part of content marketing in 2018, irrespective of what industry and niche your business operates in. While having video content, either on your own site or on video based social media sites like Vimeo and YouTube, is definitely going to make you look attractive in the eyes of your existing and target audience, getting more out of it means optimizing it for SEO.

Google’s Position

It has long been known that Google love sites with varied content. Now, they are starting to look at the presence of specific types of content, and video is one of the big things they are looking for. optimizing your video content is particularly important as Google is also diversifying their search results, and showing as many possible types of content for keywords on their pages as possible.

How can you optimize your video content?

Keywords: Less is More
optimizing video content for SEO doesn’t mean going crazy with keywords. Just title your videos like you would a blog; naturally and featuring a keyword, but not clunky and written “for SEO.”

Try to include the word “video” within titles, as well as page descriptions, as it helps flag to Google that video content is on the page.


how to optimize video content for seo mark-up is something else that has moved from a “good to do” to a “must do” in 2018. Use schema mark-up to make it easier for Google to present your video in the most relevant searches. You can read about using schema mark-up in videos here.

Use a Video Sitemap
In addition to attaching keyword tags to your video, you should also create a video sitemap and submit it to Google. This will help Google identify video content easily when crawling your site and increase the chances of it ranking highly.

Use a Great Thumbnail
The “front cover” of your video needs to be compelling, not just a blank screen with a “Play” icon. Take a great frame from the video; a shocked face works great, or something within the video that links directly to the title works well, too.

Place the Video at the Top of the Page
By doing this, you’re telling Google and the other search engines that your video is important. Having it tucked away below the fold will diminish its SEO power considerably.

Drive Engagement
If you have a person speaking in the video, ensure they take a few seconds at the end to reach out to viewers to engage. Actively asking them to share their thoughts or post the video onto social media can have a huge impact, driving SEO and brand visibility.

Publish the Transcript
Publishing the transcript of the video is a tick in the box for varied content but is also a best practice when publishing a video. Some internet users might not have flash player, for example, installed on their system, but being able to view the transcript means they can still benefit from your information, and they’ll remember you as a helpful company, too.

Optimize Your Website
This is a bit of a no-brainer, but it is important to ensure your website is optimized before you start publishing video content, otherwise even the best optimised videos will struggle to achieve high rankings; remember that Google spiders cannot see the actual video, so you need to give them as many indicators as possible!

If you want to know more about how video creation fits into your content marketing campaign, contact us now to discuss your needs, whether specific to video or around SEO and content marketing in general.

Read Full Article Here: How to Optimize Video Content for SEO

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