Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Common SEO Misconceptions That Can Negatively Impact Your Business

On the surface, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) sounds like quite a confusing and complex process. But once you develop a true understanding of the subject and, moreover, the benefits that your business can reap from it, then SEO is actually quite easy to get the hang of. However, you need to be wary of the misconceptions of SEO so that you don’t fall into the traps. Epic New Media, a Manchester SEO Agency, has taken a look at some of the misconceptions of SEO:

You can’t target keywords enough

It is important for your website to include keywords frequently so that the website is relevant for your target keywords. Therefore, it’s wise to use keywords often within a piece of content and/or within your website. However, there is a misconception that there is no limit on how many times you should use keywords because if you use specific keywords too often – as in, every other word or every other three words within your website content – then it becomes a nuisance to the reader. Search engines are also intelligent enough to recognise when keywords are being crowbarred into content. This is known as ‘keyword stuffing’ and this can harm your website’s rankings.

You don’t need analytics

understanding seo for small businessThere’s also a misconception that the analytics don’t really matter; that you’ll enjoy the rewards of a strong SEO. Far from it, you need the analytics because, otherwise, how would you know that your marketing strategy and, as a result, your SEO strategy as a whole is successful? You may enjoy an upswing in orders, inquiries and the like, but unless you have the analytics in front of you to prove where those customers came from, then it’s purely guesswork. For all you know, there may be an alternative explanation for your organisation having more business to work on, from social media to simple word of mouth. Simply put, while it is possible to have an SEO plan without using any form of analytics, it is most definitely not advised, and any organisation which has a detailed and long-term SEO plan in place really need to have the analytics available to go hand-in-hand. Otherwise, you’re thinking “I assume this worked” rather than being able to say “This did work”.

Once you reach the top, you can stop

SEO is an on-going activity. Once a website reaches the top of the search engines’ rankings SEO cannot stop. There needs to be a proactive strategy and continuous activity to ensure that you maintain your position because you will have caught the eye of your competitors. Competitions will be reviewing your SEO activity and looking replicate, so it’s important to stay ahead. Also, search engines are always looking to improve and update their algorithms. What is a key ranking factor now might not be relevant in a few years time. SEO strategies must be evolving with search engine updates.

Stopping SEO activity won’t see an immediate drop-off, you’ll likely notice the difference in 6 months time, according to many SEO experts.

SEO has become more and more crucial as the internet continues to gain popularity and have an ever-growing impact upon business. For organizations who wish to market their services online, and certainly those who would be considered large-scale companies, SEO is vital, and as such getting your SEO strategy right is essential, meaning that it is equally crucial to avoid making mistakes based on those common misconceptions that people have about the subject.

See More Here: Common SEO Misconceptions That Can Negatively Impact Your Business

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