Thursday, December 21, 2017

7 Social Media Marketing Resolutions for 2018

A new year brings us a clean slate. For those of us that run our own businesses, we find this to be the ideal time to implement new goals. While most small business owners have already made the commitment to bring their brands online via social media, not everyone has perfected his or her strategy for doing so.

Outlined below are 7 of the most popular social media marketing resolutions for 2018:

  • social media marketing resolutionsWhen possible, avoid sharing ugly news. Just like the news outlets on TV and in the papers, the unpleasant stories tend to capture attention. While not every day is complete with a cherry on top, try to make the most of positive industry news when it comes along.
  • Get a little more personal with your social media efforts. People would much rather deal with other people than just a boring, stuffy corporation; so find ways to give your brand a unique voice and personality through social media.
  • Don’t forget to say thank you. This refers to always thanking your fans and followers for sharing your content. A little thank you can go a long way, and you will find that people will be more willing to share what you have to say if you show them some appreciation.
  • Be more strategic about when you post your updates on social media. We’ve written some posts in the past that share some data and statistics of the optimal times to post to social media, so be sure to research this to get the best engagement for the content that you share.
  • Incorporate images into your blogging to improve Retweets and shares. Images are continuing to monopolize social media news feeds, so consider trying out a free app to enhance the quality of the images that you share or perhaps try making your own Instagram video.
  • Stay true to your brand and don’t take yourself too seriously. Even if you’re getting a lot of traction from your social media marketing efforts, stay consistent with your voice and what is working for your business.
  • Set limits for managing your social media efforts. As a small business owner, it can be tempting to be on social media morning, noon, and night. Find more efficient ways to share on social media and don’t get too bogged down.

After browsing through this list, can you relate to any of these popular resolutions in regards to social media marketing? How do you plan to execute your social media strategy in the new year?

Originally Published Here: 7 Social Media Marketing Resolutions for 2018

Social Climb
8310 South Valley Highway, 105A
Englewood CO 80112
(303) 900-4688

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