Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How to Earn More Retweets with Images

When it comes to Twitter marketing, one of the most common questions that we hear is, “how to get more retweets?” Images are the key to getting more retweets.

One of the simplest ways to get more retweets and engagement is to incorporate more images into your Tweets.
“Social Media Scientist” Dan Zarrella recently analyzed more than 400,000 tweets and the number of times that each of these tweets received a retweet. In addition, he factored in the 4 most popular ways to send images to Twitter: Facebook image links, Instagram, TwitPic, and Twitter’s own uploading service. His findings indicated that images uploaded via Twitter’s own loading service were 60 percent more likely to be retweeted, which was significantly higher than any other method of sending images to Twitter.

While tweets are limited to 140 characters, opting to include an image has proven to be an even more effective tactic in inspiring people to read and share your content. Considering that 90 percent of the information that your brain processes is visual and that the brain processes this information 60,000 times faster than textual content, you can’t afford not to tweet images.

When someone else shares your posts on Twitter they most likely won't take the time to add an image to their tweet. So the best solution is to use Twitter Cards.

Twitter cards is a great way to get your tweet to stand out. This requires a little work on your website but the end result is anytime someone shares your blog post the image shows up in the tweet. There are 7 different types of Twitter Cards you can use. The large format looks like this:

using images in twitter

Without Twitter Cards setup on you blog, your tweets will look like this:

tweets without images

You can use Twitter's card validator to see what your posts will look like on Twitter.

Setting up Twitter Cards on your website may seem complex but if your blog is built with wordpress you can find several different plugins to help with the setup. If you use a plugin for this remember to always backup your site before installing and testing a new plugin. Learn more about our small business marketing services.

If you have suggestions on plugins that work well for you or have questions about a specific plugin, leave a comment below. Follow us on Twitter We would love to connect with you!

Article Source Here: How to Earn More Retweets with Images

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