Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Local Marketing Statistics That Impact Your Business

Developing an online marketing strategy for your local business means keeping up with the latest trends and understanding your customers. You'll find a plethora of marketing statistics online from search engine optimization to local marketing. Understanding how this information is applicable to your local business can be challenging.

Back in July we wrote about Launch of Google’s New Ads in Local Pack and how it could impact local businesses. I was recently talking to one of our National clients who read our article and called me to find out how they could take advantage of these changes. She saw an opportunity to start marketing locally in her biggest markets and possibly reducing her national Adwords campaign cost.

There is a value in keeping up with local marketing trends. So how do you figure out what your local business should be doing?

Solution: Local Marketing Stats
Make use of local marketing statistics to focus your current marketing strategy


local business marketing trendsEighty percent of Internet Users Own a Smartphone

In 2015 desktop searches was surpassed by mobile searches. Google changed their algorithm to boost mobile friendly websites. This change rocked the SEO industry and was dubbed "Mobilegeddon" because it was believed to have a significant impact on local rankings. Some business were impacted more than others (both positively and negatively).

It's inevitable that technology will continue to develop and mobile will increasingly become more important to your business. The best way to know how many of your visitors are mobile is to take a look at your Google Analytics. You can see a break down of the traffic coming from mobile devices vs. desktop.


Twenty percent of consumers look for answers to complex questions on social media

Just as mobile search has changed online marketing, so to has social media. Today consumers spend more time on a variety of social media platforms. Yes, they do spend time venting about their day and uploading pictures of their lunch, but they also spend a great deal of time looking for answers and asking questions. This is especially true with the Millennials.

The questions posed in social media are on a wide range of topics from "how do I fix my leaky faucet" to "I'm upgrading my old junky car, what kind of car should I buy?". Your business can be there to answer these questions. Knowing the most common questions your potential customers have will allow you to post answers via an FAQ on your website, YouTube videos and blog posts that answer these questions. If you have the resources, setting up Google Alerts will help your staff find and respond to these questions directly. You can search places like Quora, Twitter, Yahoo Answers to name a few.


Word-Of-Mouth is the #1 influencer among Millennials

When it comes to making purchasing decisions, Millennials look more closely at online reviews and referrals. As of 2015, the number of Millennials are greater than Baby Boomers, making up 25% of the US population. This group will undoubtedly become an increasingly more important makeup of your customer base. Creating a strong online reputation will be invaluable for your business going forward. Sites like Google, Yelp and Facebook are some of the places Millennials turn to currently (This will most likely changes as more review sites become more popular).


Content Searches have a great close ratio

Content marketing is the new trend that so many local businesses are reluctant to adapt. Leads from a content search are eight times as likely to result in a sale. Consumers are searching for answers, helpful information that is useful. Developing content for your blog will allow you to share your knowledge and attract consumers who are looking for this type of information. These articles can then be shared across many social platforms, email campaigns and advertising.


Keeping up with trends can help your local business put more emphasis on marketing that will have a greater impact on your business. Share your experience with these and other trends that are impacting local business today.

Learn More Here: Local Marketing Statistics That Impact Your Business

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